Mauren’s Story
The radiant smile you see in the photo above took time to appear. Mauren, a 19-year-old pre-leader in San Carlos, has always been quiet and introverted. Two years ago, she had a difficult surgery,...
A Mother’s Perspective: From Doubt to Trust
How do parents feel about SuNica’s programming? Are they hesitant, or do they encourage their children to be involved? The answer: It’s a mixed bag! We interact with a range of parents, from those...
Kids’ Day Celebration
We recently hosted a group from Vintage Church in Nicaragua, and they participated in a very special celebration—Día de los Niños, or Kids' Day! This tradition is a big deal in Nicaragua, bringing...
Local farmer blesses Salinas Grande water team!
The Salinas Grande water team compiled the documentation that CAPS needs for the topographic work and the legalization of the land where the new well is located. The team successfully completed a...
Los Ranchos water project update
In our last ten years of doing water projects, we funded each project "a la carte" through our Turn On The Water campaigns. A typical water project takes over two years time and costs...
Naty helps her community THRIVE!
Naty, is an 18-year-old from El Porvenir. She was part of the first generation of children who entered the discipleship program four years ago. We want to celebrate her heart, vision, and generosity...
A community rallies together
Recently, the community of El Porvenir experienced an electrical problem leaving its residents without power for more than five days. During trials like this we are thankful for the CAPS (Water and...
New community coming down the pipe!
Last month we let you know about our crucial first step to every water project - the PRA. We use a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach to empower people to be a major part of their...
Sara’s story
Sara's* dream is to be a leader in her community. She has a strong desire to share what she has learned from God and to be a role model for young girls. Not only is she a pre-leader, but she is also...
Communities all in for clean water
While 90% or more of the actual cost is provided by SuNica donors like you, each family in a community is required to purchase their water meter. The cost is about $40US and can be paid over a...