We love getting to share stories about what God is doing in the lives of kids in our communities!
This is a story about a boy in our El Limonal community, Carlos*. We first met Carlos when he was eight years old when he came to ask the construction workers on our staff for food. He would collect the small pieces of iron left over from the construction site to sell. During this time, Carlos’ family was unfortunately involved in drug trafficking and even used Carlos and his backpack to help.
Soon after meeting the construction workers, Carlos began attending our discipleship program and participating in activities at the community center. Over the next two years, he attended a Sacred Forest retreat, listened in discipleship, played lots of soccer and gave up drug trafficking for his family. This year, Carlos even benefitted from school supplies and a uniform through SuNica’s school program. Now, he is in 5th grade and we’re hopeful to see relationships continue to flourish between Carlos and our staff over the years.
It’s stories like these that keep us encouraged and hopeful for the kids in our communities. We can’t wait to see what God will continue to do in the lives of these kids.
(*pseudonym used for privacy)
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