El Porvenir: Turn on the Water

El Porvenir is a truly rural community. It sits along a former railroad trestle connecting Nicaragua’s main port of Corinto and the city of Chinandega. The site of our first-ever full-scale water project and modern bathroom project.

Project Status Finished

Project Stats

Total Cost:


Amount of Pipe:

3 Kilometers

Number Served:

150 homes and 550+ people


6,000 gallons per day


El Porvenir

We implemented our first full-scale clean water project here, followed by our first modern bathroom project…

Our Model

Water & Sanitation

It is a two-year process to provide this basic need that is vital to human flourishing. Once clean water is flowing, a modern bathroom project follows.


Eta and Lota - Two Hurricanes in Two Weeks

SuNica staff & the Leon/Chinandega was spared the worst. Not so for NE Nicaragua. This blog will be updated as Hurricane updates become available.